
My leetcode problem solutions

Primary LanguageC++

My leetcode problems solutions

Author : Kiran Babu Muddam

Blind curated 75 problems list : https://leetcode.com/list/xgp5qozs

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
1 Two Sum C++ O(n) O(n) Easy HashMap
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ O(n) O(n) Medium HashMap,Sliding Window
7 Reverse Integer C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy
9 Palindrome Number C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy
13 Roman To Integer C++ O(n) O(n) Easy HashMap
14 Longest common Prefix C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
20 Valid Parentheses C++ O(n) O(n) Easy HashMap, stack
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C++ O(n) O(1) Easy Two Pointers
482 License Key Formatting C++ O(N) O(N) Easy Vector
904 Fruit Into Baskets C++ O(N) O(N) Medium HashMap, Vector, Sliding Window
929 Unique Email Addresses C++ , Python3 O(C) O(C) Easy Set, Vector
1108 Defanging an IP Address Python3 O(n) O(1) Easy
1455 Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence python3 O(n) O(n) Easy
1456 Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length C++ O(n) O(1) Medium Sliding Window
1539 Kth Missing Positive Number C++ O(n) O(1) Easy