Web Developer Evaluation - 1st Screening

This repository contains my solutions to the Web Developer Evaluation - 1st Screening tasks. Below you'll find a brief overview of the tasks and how I approached them.

Section A: Making a Simple Website with JS

Task 1 - Bootstrap Modal and Slider

For this task, I used the Bootstrap framework to create a modal that opens when a user clicks on the pricing tables. The modal contains a form asking for Name, Email, and Order Comments. Additionally, I implemented a slider to allow users to select the number of users for pricing plans.

Task 2 - JS Integration with Form

I signed up on https://forms.maakeetoo.com and integrated the form submission contents from Task 1 into the website.

Section B: React JS Folder Structure

Task 1 - Creating the Folder Structure

I implemented a React app that represents a given JSON tree as a folder structure. Users can interact with folders and files by creating, editing, and deleting them. Clicking on arrows hides/shows child folders and files.

Getting Started

  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • Edit App.jsx and watch it live update!

Task 2 - Lazy Loading

To avoid pagination, I implemented lazy loading of data when users reach the end of the page. I fetched additional data from a publicly available API and dynamically added it to the existing results.

Section C - Bonus Points - Optional

Task 1 - Choice of System for Periodic Tasks

For scheduling periodic tasks, I would choose a combination of technologies such as Kubernetes for orchestration and managing containers, and Apache Airflow for workflow automation. This setup would ensure reliability, scalability, and easy maintenance of scheduled tasks.

Task 2 - Data Encryption for Financial Planning Tool

To encrypt user data, I would implement end-to-end encryption using modern encryption libraries and practices. Each user's data would be encrypted using their own keys, and only they would have access to decrypt it. No one, including developers, would be able to view the decrypted data.

How to Run the Project

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/kiranrokkam09/Evaluation
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Evaluation
  3. Install dependencies for each task: npm install
  4. Start the application: npm run dev

Video Walkthrough

You can watch a short video walkthrough of the project here.

For any questions or feedback, please reach out to me at [kiran.rokkam456@gmail.com].