Employee Management System is a desktop based application developed on C# programming language.
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Throws an exception on date conversion while editing the employee data imported from CSV
#34 opened by kiranshahi - 0
Disable add row in grid.
#32 opened by kiranshahi - 3
Auto Increment an ID of employee
#18 opened by Varavchik18 - 11
Migrating Windows Forms Apps to .NET Core 3.0
#13 opened by kiranshahi - 1
how can i run the project
#20 opened by talhaperi1903 - 1
I Ilke to know what technology do you use
#9 opened by Azzammi - 2
Export data to file (eg: CSV)
#11 opened by kiranshahi - 0
#6 opened by kiranshahi - 10
Store CRUD operation data to database.
#3 opened by kiranshahi