
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • The tanks are classified into limited number of groups
  • Preparation of data and label
  • constructing and training a model for each group of tanks
  • Predicting using the trained models

Preprocessing (Preprocessing.ipnyb)

  • Adding a new feature called Sensor status that gives information whether the sensor is down or not.
  • Deals with random 0s in the timestamp
  • Dealing with sharp changes in the tank level readings
  • Visualization

Classification of tanks (final_deli_freq_calc.ipynb)

  • Having a model for every tank is too costly in all means like memory and computation
  • For this purpose the tanks have to be grouped and for each group a model will be used to predict the value.
  • The tanks with similar trend in the level readings should be grouped together.
  • It can be observed that the trend can be defined by the number of deliveries done in a certain time period.
  • Hence we calculate the delivery frequency i.e average of number of days between two consecutive deliveries.
  • The tanks with same number of delivery frequency are grouped

Model (CreateManyModels.ipynb)

  • We use reccurrent neural network (LSTM or GRU) to predict the next level readings
  • The RNNs are trained for one to one prediction i.e. the models take a single value as input and gives single value as an output
  • Hence, if the current reading is given to the model it will give the prediction of next reading
  • The model consist of single RNN cell

Data (CreateManyModels.ipynb)

  • The Linde group has provided the instant level readings of the different tanks around the world.
  • We create 'processed_level.csv' by removing the noise as we saw in the previous section.
  • It might be too hard for the model to predict the number that represents the prediction
  • For this purpose, it is trained to predict only the difference and the direction(whether it increases or decreases)

Prediction (submission_forecast.ipynb)

  • For a given vessel, based on its delivery frequency we select a model to do the prediction
  • The output of the selected model gives the difference and direction
  • Instead of adding the difference to previous value we add it to the reading which is recorded 10 days back (this value is available in the given data)
  • Addition of the difference to 10 days back value gives us the new prediction

RNN with the use of multiple previous data points (LINDE_Large_Window_Prediction.ipynb)