
This Project Having Three Different Tasks - TASK1 (Movie App), TASK2 (Hotel App), TASK3 (Recipe App)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This Project Having Three Different Tasks

TASK1 (Movie App) :


  • Get Data From the API
  • Searching Movie
  • Bottom Navbar with Diffrent Tabs
  • Data Should Add to Favourites and Watchlist
  • Shows Added Data in Favourites and Watchlist
  • Shows particular movie data on separate pages and shows ratings using a circular progress bar

Deployed App Movie App


TASK2 (Hotel App) :


  • Get Data From the API
  • Searching Hotel By Name
  • Navbar
  • On click of Card Hotels Reviews Shows Up

Deployed App Hotel App


TASK3 (Recipe App) :


  • Get Data From the API
  • Searching recipe
  • Bottom Navbar with Diffrent Tabs
  • Data Shows In Calorie And data get by selecting calories
  • Data Shows In Diet And data get by selecting a diet
  • Shows particular recipe fat data on cards in circular progress bar

Deployed App Recipe App


Installation & Getting started

Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running.

npm install Competishun
cd task1
npm start

cd task2
npm start

cd task3
npm start

Technology Stack

  • React JS
  • ChakraUI
  • Some React Packages