
Welcome to the Dil-Foods Analytics! This repository hosts a responsive and interactive dashboard for visualizing data from a fictional e-commerce platform, developed using Chart.js and react-chartjs-2 libraries within 72 hours.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dil-Foods Analytics

Welcome to the Dil-Foods Analytics! This repository hosts a responsive and interactive dashboard for visualizing data from a fictional e-commerce platform, developed using Chart.js and react-chartjs-2 libraries within 72 hours.


  • Data Visualization: Utilizes Bar, Pie, Doughnut, and Line Charts to represent data in a visually.
  • Responsiveness: Ensures the dashboard maintains usability across different devices.
  • Year Filter: Allows users to filter data based on a particular year(2020-2023).
  • Dark and Light Theme Mode: Supports both dark and light themes for user preference.
  • Calculation: Provides calculations for average sales, average user visits, and average revenue per month.
  • Random Colors:When the Charts Load shows in Random Colors Every Time.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Chakra UI
  • React-Redux
  • Chart JS
  • React-chartjs-2
  • Redux


To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:

Step 1: Clone the repository:

git clone <repository-url>

Step 2: Navigate to the project directory:

cd Dil_Foods/dilfoods_frontend/

Step 3: Install the required packages:

npm install

Step 4: Run the Project:

npm run start


Once the project is running locally, you can access the Dil-Foods Analytics in your web browser. Explore the various charts and data visualizations to gain insights into the performance of the fictional Analytics platform.

##Screens of Project:






