
Unofficial cloud.mail.ru's python API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Unofficial cloud.mail.ru's python API

All existing methods in cloud.mail.ru's API

Implemented? Method Path Additional Info
(POST) batch
(POST) clone
(POST) stock/save
X (GET) dispatcher
(POST) docs/token
X (GET) file
X (POST) file/add
X (POST) file/move
X (POST) file/remove
X (POST) file/rename
X (POST) file/copy
X (POST) file/publish
X (POST) file/unpublish
X (GET) file/history
X (GET) folder
X (POST) folder/add
X (POST) folder/move Alias for file/move
X (POST) folder/remove Alias for file/remove
X (POST) folder/rename Alias for file/rename
X (POST) folder/copy Alias for file/copy
X (POST) folder/publish Alias for file/publish
X (POST) folder/unpublish Alias for file/unpublish
X (GET) folder/find
X (GET) folder/invites
(GET) folder/shared/links
(GET) folder/invites/info
(POST) folder/invites/reject
(POST) folder/mount
(GET) folder/shared/incomi
(GET) folder/shared/info
(POST) folder/share
X (GET) folder/tree
(POST) folder/unmount
(POST) folder/unshare
X (POST) folder/viruscan
(GET) mail/ab/contacts
(POST) mail/ab/contacts/add
(GET) status
X (POST) tokens/csrf
X (POST) tokens/download
(GET) weblinks
0 (GET) weblinks/subscribe Server said me 'internal'
X (GET) user
X (POST) user/agree-la Seper-Mega-Ultra-Alfa-Giga useless
0 (POST) user/edit Method just for redrawing frontend
(POST) user/unfreeze
(POST) user/promo/active
(POST) user/promo/ignore
(POST) user/promo/invite
(POST) user/promo/join
X (GET) user/space
X (POST) zip
X (GET) mail/ab/contacts
(POST) mail/ab/contacts/add
X (GET) billing/rates
(POST) billing/change
(POST) billing/prolong
(POST) billing/cancel
(POST) billing/history
X (GET) trashbin
X (POST) trashbin/restore
X (POST) trashbin/empty
X (GET) domain/folders
(POST) promo/validate
X (POST) notify/applink

Examples of usage

I decided implement the structure of the original API so for the file/add request you must call the method MailCloud_instance.api.file.add(...). All realized methods are described in the table above.

Basic usage

>>> import cloud_mail_api
>>> cm = cloud_mail_api.CloudMail("email@email.com", "password")
>>> cm.auth() # This method can ask AuthCode by input() if df auth enabled, run in inputable env
>>> cm.print(cm.api.file.add("/Some/Local/Dir/file.txt", "/Some/Cloud/Dir/file_qwe.txt"))
{'email': 'email@email.com', 'body': '/Some/Cloud/Dir/file_qwe.txt', 'time': 1530208363765, 'status': 200}

Cookies saving/loading

For identification mail.ru use cookies. It would be a shame if every session you would have to authenticate again, so I implemented methods to load/save cookies to a json file.

>>> import cloud_mail_api
>>> cm_temp = cloud_mail_api.CloudMail("email@email.com", "password")
>>> cm_temp.auth()
>>> cm.save_cookies_to_file("/Some/Local/Dir/cookies.json")
<RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie GarageID=7d1958e70...>]
>>> del cm_temp
>>> cm = cloud_mail_api.CloudMail("email@email.com", "password")
>>> cm.load_cookies_from_file("/Some/Local/Dir/cookies.json")
<RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie GarageID=7d1958e70...>]
>>> cm.print(cm.api.file.add("/Some/Local/Dir/file.txt", "/Some/Cloud/Dir/file_qwe.txt"))
{'email': 'email@email.com', 'body': '/Some/Cloud/Dir/file_qwe.txt', 'time': 1530208363765, 'status': 200}

Also there is a method def update_cookies_from_dict(self, dict_={}, **kwargs) -> RequestsCookieJar that has a same effect as load_cookies_from_file