
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Loans API

This api is build using NodeJs , Express server and Postgres. As such make sure you have node and postgres installed on your machine.

Before To get this services started.

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:kirega/loan-api.git


cd loan-api/

Install dependencies

Run this command to install all dependencies

npm install

Database preparations

Before we can start working with this server we need to do a number of activities before we can it to work. First of all, we need to set up our postgres database. Assuming that you have a working version of postgres then lets run the following commands:

Start up the postgresql command line interface:

psql postgres

Run this commands on the psql CLI:

  • Create a database. create database loans;

  • Create a user CREATE USER myuser WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'mypass';;

  • Grant that user all rights for that database. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE loans TO myuser;

  • Exit psql by typing \q

With our database setup we now need to create our .env file that we will use to set up our environment variables. To do this we need to :

  • create the .env file in loans-api/ touch .env
  • add the following keys into that .env :

Great, now we have our database set up. We just have one last thing to do. We need to create our tables. Luckily we have pre created installation scripts in this repo. Simply run these commands from your loans-api/ directory:

node src/db/db createLoansOfficerTable

node src/db/db createLoansTable

node src/db/db createFarmersTable

What these commands do is that they create empty tables in the database.

Now we start our server

start the server

Now you can start your server.

npm run watch

Your server should be running on http://localhost:5000. You can edit this port from the .env file

Important final steps

Our database is currently empty and we need to populate it will dummy records. I have set up some endpoints for creating this records. To execute them simply make GET requests to the following endpoints either from your browser or a web client like postman.

  • GET http://localhost:5000/populate_loans
  • GET http://localhost:5000/populate_officers
  • GET http://localhost:5000/populate_farmers

Everything to should now look beautiful when you run the loans app