
Deprecated in favor of PressPlay. Auto WP sitesetup designed to be used with Varying Vagrants Vagrant.

Primary LanguagePHP

VVV Auto Bootstrap Simple

This is one of a series of demonstrations of the auto-sitesetup designed to be used with Varying Vagrants Vagrant.

This demo shows a site setup using Composer and some WP CLI commands; this one's for Rarst.

To get started:

  1. If you don't already have it, clone the Vagrant repo , perhaps into your ~/Vagrants/ directory (you may need to create it if it doesn't already exist)
  2. Install the Vagrant hosts updater: vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
  3. Clone this branch of this repo into the www directory of your Vagrant as www/PROJECTNAME
  4. If your Vagrant is running, from the Vagrant directory run vagrant halt
  5. Run a search and replace for vvv-simple, and replace with your PROJECTNAME
  6. Followed by vagrant up --provision. Perhaps a cup of tea now? The provisioning may take a while.
  7. Upload dummy content xml

Then you can visit http://PROJECTNAME.dev/