
A simpel Waitingroom Bot which allows you to play a mp3 audio file!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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A basic, easy to setup Waiting Room Bot to play an audiofile on your pc / a stream!


Installation | How to use the Bot

1. Install node.js v12 or higher

2. Install ffmpeg@latest

3. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it

4. Install all of the packages with npm install | the packages are npm install node.js discord.js @discordjs/opus

5. start the bot with node index.js

Usage - config.json

  "token": "",        // Fill in your Bot token
  "voicechannel": "", // Voice Channel Id for your Bot Channel
  "guildid": ""       // Guild Id of your Server

Usage - index.js | function radioexecute() | Line 26-34

async function radioexecuteadmin() {
    const voiceChannel = client.guilds.cache.get(config.guildid).channels.cache.get(config.voicechannel); //define the Voice Channel
    await voiceChannel.leave(); // leave the channel
    await delay(300); // wait 300ms to provent a bug
    var connection = await voiceChannel.join();//join the channel and
    await connection.voice.setSelfDeaf(true); await connection.voice.setDeaf(true); //selfdeaf
    const dispatcher = connection.play('./audiofile.mp3'); //You can replace the './audifile.mp3' with any sort of Radio stream for example: 'https://streams.ilovemusic.de/iloveradio17.mp3'
    dispatcher.on("end", end => { radioexecuteadmin() });


Make sure that you have install FFmpeg, and added it to Systemenvironment variables (PATH)

If you are having errors/problems with starting delete the package.json file and do, before you install the packages npm init

Discord Server 😎 | Website


You can always Support me by inviting one of my own Discord Bots

2021's best Music Bot | Lava Music Musicium Music Bot Milrato Multi Bot


If consider using this Bot, make sure to credit me!