
Ansible in a container

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Repository on Quay

Ansible in a Container

Ansible in a container.


To use this passthrough your Ansible directory as a volume located at /ansible in the container. Then shell into the container and use away!

Contains vim for file modifications, otherwise these can be modified externally to the container.

podman run -it --rm --net=host --name ansible -v $HOME/ansible:/ansible:z quay.io/bcolbyse/ansible:4.1.0

NOTE: SELinux will prevent access to the contents of the volume unless you add on the :z to the volume.


Similar to container-ansible however, it includes oc and opm binaries.

Ansible Galaxy

You could additionally passthrough a directory containing Collections and Roles installed from Ansible Galaxy. These should be volume mounted as -v $HOME/.ansible:/root/.ansible:z. Alternatively, these could be installed inside the container interactively.