
Network topology from netstat output

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Network topology via Neo4j Graph Platform from netstat output.


  • neo4j
  • python3
  • netstat output. Either a single large file, or multiple files. The script has been tested with output generated via sudo netstat -plaunt >> $(hostname -s).netstat as the source.

The default assumption is that neo4j is available at bolt://localhost:7687. If this needs to be changed it can be overwritten by setting the environment variable NEO4J_HOST=bolt://127.0.01:7687. Likewise, default behaviour is to prompt for neo4j username and password, these can also be specified as environment variables (NEO4J_USER NEO4J_PASS) or command line arguments (--n4j-user/-u and --n4j-pass/-p.


./nstopo.py --n4j-user USERNAME --n4j-pass PASSWORD -f ${HOSTNAME}.netstat


./nstopo.py -f /path/to/data/*.netstat Where the * becomes a list of filenames from, say, multiple different hosts.


Contributions are welcome. Please submit a Pull Request with any modifications / improvements.


Ben C-S