React.js app
is a YouTube emulator created during the Web Development bootcamp @BrainStation
With a 3 week timeframe broken into 3 sprints, we built out the front-end React SPA using create-react-app, react-router and Sass. During sprint 2 we built on state & data fetching concepts by leveraging class components and integrating Axios into React’s lifecycle methods. Finally we complemented the site with a Node/Express API server following a MVC architecture to separate concerns and scalability.
Below you can find instructions on how to install the React.js front-end app. If you haven’t already, please install the back-end Node/Express API server first. Click here to find the repo and installation instructions.
Thank you for stopping by! 🎥🌟
-Kirill (30-04-2022)
Follow these steps to run a local instance of BrainFlix:
You’ll need Node already installed
Setup the back-end
- Please goto the brainstation-brainflix-api repo
Setup the front-end
Clone or download this repo.
Install client dependencies:
npm install
from inside the client directory$ cd brainstation-brainflix-spa $ npm install
Start the React app:
$ npm start