
React SPA client employing ReactJS, Axios, React-Router-Dom, SASS, and Create-React-App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React.js app

is an eco-system that leverages technology to build on the foundation of paying it forward!

It's also my capstone project for BrainStation's full-stack bootcamp. We were tasked to ideate, plan, and execute a full-stack application within two weeks. Lost&Found was made using create-react-app, react-router, axios, react-burger-menu, react-select, swiper and SASS for the front end, a Node/Express backend API leveraging Passport.js & the passport-google-Oauth2 strategy for authentication, and Knex to migrate, seed and query a MySQL database. At least for now. We'll see how things change as I continue to build on it.

Below are instructions on how to install the React.js front-end app. If you haven't already, please install the back-end Node/Express API server first.

Click here to find the repo and instruction.

Thanks for stopping by. 💫

-Kirill (06-04-2022)

Screenshot of Lost&Found app


Follow these steps to run a local instance of Lost&Found:

You'll need google App credentials and node, npm, and MySQL already installed.

Set up the back-end

  1. Please goto the lost-and-found-server repo

Set up the front-end

  1. Clone or download this repo.

  2. Install client dependencies:

    Run npm install from inside the client directory.

    $ cd lost-and-found-client $ npm install

  3. Set environment variables:

    Rename .env_sample to .env and change placeholder <values> with your own.


  4. Start the React app:

    $ npm start