

It's the final project for the Java Aufbaukurs. The main goal is to practice common Java libraries and approaches, not a production level application.


Functionality and structure

  • JavaFX desktop application.
  • Maven project.
  • Managing expenses, incomes, transfers and exchanges.
  • Managing accounts, currencies, categories and tags.
  • Storing data in the H2 embedded database.
  • DB manipulations with JDBC using DAO pattern.
  • Export user data to XML using Jackson.
  • Fetching currency exchange rates from public APIs.
  • Logging via SLF4J.
  • Dashboard with diagrams and calculated tables.
  • Class diagram.
  • Tests.

Deliberately not planned

  • Authorization
  • ORM
  • JSR 354 / Currency and Money API
  • Data queries with pagination and filters
  • Complex validation

What was done

  • JavaFX app with multiple FXML and Controllers
  • Logging via slf4j
  • Unit tests
  • JDBC DB operations with DAO pattern
  • Lombok annotations
  • Queries public REST API and parsing response with Jackson
  • JavaFX Services
  • Exporting to XML using Jackson
  • Practiced Java features
    • Generics (classes, interfaces, methods)
    • Bounded type parameters
    • Records and Enums
    • Streams
    • Lambdas
    • Switch expressions
    • Switch with pattern matching
    • Nested classes
    • Sealed classes
    • Optional type

Class diagram

Class diagram