IMessageKiller Chat

It's a chat application which have to kill Apple IMessage. In the future. May be.

How to run

Way 1

  1. install .net7
  2. clone repository
  3. run server
dotnet run -c Release --project IMessageKiller.WebAPI --urls http://*:8080
  1. run cli client
dotnet run -c Release --project IMessageKiller.CLI_Client -- --nickname Kirill --address

If you have problem with running second client, you would to try to run second client with Debug configuration (change Release to Debug)

Way 2

  1. download client and server with built-in runtime on releases page
  2. run with args
./IMessageKiller.WebAPI --urls http://*:8080
./IMessageKiller.CLI_Client -- --nickname Kirill --address

Note: if you have problem with running on local network(like me), you would to set concrete ip address on server process. For example: run WebAPI like ./IMessageKiller.WebAPI --urls (change to ip of yours server)

About project

Chat was implemented with websockets.