
Face Authenticator.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A small authentication program that may be tuned for various purposes from face door unlock to a more complex authorization system.

FaceAuth in action

Face detection and authentication


Notification or authorization (or any other action)


How does it work?

The Face Authenticator system consists of three subsystems:

  1. Face detection
  2. Face authentication
  3. Notification or authorization

The first subsystem detects and tracks the closest face to the camera and ignores others. Such behaviour may be adjusted through a variable. Therefore, faces that take up 70% of the frame size are further sent to the authentication subsystem. It is programmed to do so to lower the system load and to avoid unneeded detection and authentication.

Once a face has been recognized it is then sent to the Notification subsystem. It is highly customizable; it may send an email or perform any other custom action.

How was it created?

The Face detection subsystem was trained using YOLOv5 model to detect faces.

The Face identification subsystem utilizes the Convolutional Neural Networks built from ground up using the PyTorch framework. Although, a YOLOv5 model can be used as well.

Lastly, the Notification subsystem utilizes the email package to notify the end user of a new authentication.


All code is licensed under the MIT license.