
Growing course

MIT LicenseMIT


Distillery growing course

General IT


Basic development principles, general for any development path

  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Design patterns
  • Code smells
  • Refactoring techniques
  • TDD, BDD
  • Functional programming
  • Licenses
  • Semantic versioning

Network (Basic)

How modern networks work from developers POV

  • IP
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • HTTP
  • HTTP/2
  • QUIC
  • TLS, SSL
  • DNS
  • NTP


Backend Prerequisites


Frontend (General)

Frontend Prerequisites

Basic development principles, general for any development path

  • Character encodings

Semantic HTML (Basic)

Basic HTML/Web

  • What is "semantics" and why do we need it?
  • Document structure
  • Head and metadata
  • Hyperlinks. A fundament of the Web.
  • Block and inline elements
  • Headers
  • Paragraphs
  • Text: emphasis and importance
  • Whitespaces in HTML
  • Special characters
  • Lists
  • Nested lists
  • Tables
  • Multimedia and embedding
  • Images
  • Video and audio content
  • Vector graphics
  • Responsive images
  • Objects and IFrames
  • Forms
    • Label
    • Input (+types)
    • Select
    • Textarea
    • Validation
    • Button

CSS (Basic)

  • Basic syntax
  • Selectors
    • Element selectors
    • Class selectors
    • ID selectors
    • Universal selector *
    • Attribute selectors
    • Combinators and selector list
    • Selector specificity
  • Pseudo classes and pseudo-elements
  • Layout
    • Floats
    • Positioning
    • Display
    • Box model
    • CSS Grid
    • Flexbox
  • CSS values and units
  • Cascade and inheritance
  • Fonts
  • Styling font and text layout
  • Styling lists
  • Styling links

HTML / CSS tools (Basic)

  • Chrome inspector
  • Firefox inspector
  • Safari inspector
  • HTML validation
  • CSS validation

CSS pre- & post- processors

  • SCSS
    • Import - fragments, nested imports, index
    • Mixins, @extend
    • SassScript
  • PostCSS
    • Autoprefixer
    • CSSNext
    • PreCSS
    • Stylelint

CSS Architecture

  • Isolation
  • Specificity wars
  • Garbage collection
  • BEM

Package managers

  • Licenses (ref to Prerequisites)
  • Semantic versioning (ref to Prerequisites)
  • NPM
    • Dependencies, dev-devependencies
    • Package scope, access level, visibility
    • Publishing
    • Scripts
    • Audit & Security
  • Yarn

CSS Frameworks

  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize CSS
  • Bulma
  • Semantic UI

Build tools

  • Task runners
    • NPM scripts
    • Gulp
  • Bundlers
    • Webpack
    • Parcel
    • Rollup
  • Linters & formaters
    • Prettier
    • ESLint
    • Stylelint
    • TSLint (will be deprecvtaed soon)

JavaScript (ES2018)

  • Grammar and types
  • Control flow & error handling
  • Loops & iteration
  • Functions
    • Arrow functions
  • Closures
  • Expressions & operators
  • Numbers & dates
  • Text formatting
  • Resular expressions
  • Arrays (indexed collections)
  • Map, WeakMap, Set (keyed collections)
  • Objects, prototypical inheritance
  • Promises
    • Async/await syntax
  • Iterators & generators
  • Meta-programming
    • Handlers & traps
    • Proxy
    • Revocable proxy
    • Reflection
  • Strict mode
  • Template literals
  • Symbols
  • Spread operator, rest parameters
  • Shared memory, ArrayBuffer, TypedObject
  • Eventloop

JS Networking

  • XHR
    • CORS
  • WebSockets


  • Basic types
  • Variable declarations
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Functions
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • Type inference
  • Type compatibility
  • Advanced types
    • Intersection of types
    • Union types
    • Type guards
    • String literal types
    • Index types
    • Mapped types
    • Conditional types
      • Exclude<T, U>
      • Extract<T, U>
      • NonNullable
      • ReturnType
      • InstanceType
  • Symbols
  • Iterators & generators
  • Modules
    • Module resolution
  • Namespaces
  • Declaration merging
  • JSX / TSX
  • Decorators
  • Mixins
  • Publishing


  • Observables
    • Hot
    • Cold
  • Operators
    • Combination
    • Conditional
    • Creation
    • Error handling
    • Multicasting
    • Filtering
    • Transformation
    • Utility
  • Subjects
    • AsyncSubject
    • BehaviorSubject
    • ReplaySubject
    • Subject


Frontend - Angular


  • CLI - Command line interface
  • Schematics
  • Modules
    • JS modules vs Angular modules
    • Feature modules
      • Domain feature modules
      • Routed feature modules
      • Routing modules
      • Service feature modules
      • Widget feature modules
    • Entry components
    • Declarations
    • Providers
    • Lazy loading feature modules
    • Sharing modules
  • Components
  • Services and DI
    • Hierarchical dependency injectors
    • DI providers
    • Singleton services
  • Templates
    • Template syntax
    • Lifecycle hooks
    • User input
    • Component interaction
    • Component styles
    • Angular components (Custom elements)
    • Dynamic components
      • Factories
      • Outlets
  • Attribute directives
  • Structural directives
  • Pipes
  • Forms
    • Reactive forms
    • Dynamic forms
    • Template-driven forms
    • Validation
  • Observables in Angular
  • HTTPClient
  • Routing & Navigation
  • Animations
  • Bootstraping
  • Internalization
  • Angular libraries
  • Server-side rendering
  • Service workers & PWA
  • Security
    • XSS
    • CSRF
    • XSSI
  • AOT (Ahead of time) compilation
  • Testing


Frontend - React

Frontend - Vue

Mobile - React Native