Truncator component

React component that truncates single-line text to fit a given container width keeping it's tail visible.


To get the native browser's truncation I use the following styles:

text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;

In my approach I use canvas to create virtual container with the same styles as the original DOM container (computedStyles.font). Then I paste original text in this virtual container and truncate it recursevely by one character and add ellipsis with tail (${text}...${tail}). Then I measure it's width (context.measureText(content).width) until I reach the width that fits container's width.

I use memoization to save width values for already computed container sizes.

As there are some methods that trigger reflow (window.getComputedStyle, containerRef.current.clientWidth), I use debounce helper to wrap some of the calculation methods in it. These methods are wrapped with 0ms timeout. debounce uses requestAnimationFrame under the hood, so it allows event loop to manage expensive calculations.

As an additional performance improvement I would also suggest to use virtualized table.


  • ✅ Proper truncation with specific API
  • ✅ Built-in browser search
  • ✅ String copying (selecting and copying truncated text saves original text to clipboard)
  • ✅ Shrinking table render takes less than 500ms (I used React Dev Tools profile to check it)
  • ✅ Checked in Chrome, Firefox and Safari
  • ⛔️ No unit tests (more details in Assumption section)


  • There is a little problem with truncating text in the table in the in-between state: while resizing some of the few first pixels of the truncation there is no tail, it appears after further resize.
  • I tried to write some basic tests for the Truncator component, but I got some problem because of the using canvas. I tried to add jest-canvas-mock but it didn't solve my problem. I believe that this problem would take too much time to resolve as I don't have much experience testing canvas. I hope, that lack of valid tests is not critical for passing this interview step.


  • children (required) – original text.
  • tailLength (required) – the length of the non-truncating text. In other words, the last N characters of the line that should always be shown.
  • title (optional) – text that appears as a hint on the hover of the original text (children).
  • className (optional) – CSS class of the component's container.
  • style (optional) - inline CSS styles (added for unit tests)


npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

ℹ️ This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.