
🎓My accomplishments: CV, conferences, publications🎓

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


  1. Synthetic financial time series generation with regime clustering, 2023 (doi: 10.12720/jait.14.6.1372-1381)

  2. TRGAN: A Time-Dependent Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic Transactional Data Generation, 2023 (in print)

  3. Time-dependent differential privacy for enhanced data protection in synthetic transaction generation, 2024 (in print)


Attendance in conferences, hacks, AI competitions and courses


  1. Spherical and Elliptical distributions - theorems and lemmas about elliptical families distributions
  2. Portfolio modeling - main information about portfolio theory and some optimization criteria
  3. Car's repair forecasting - my coursework about classification of the repairs
  4. Bank's capital estimation - main methods of assesment of the bank's capital
  5. Almost-stable distribution - relaxation methods of Linear Programming Statement of the problem of searching almost-stable distribution with the lower limit quota
  6. Derivatives Modelling - discussion about Black-Scholes Model
  7. ICCSIT - presentation for the article "Synthetic time series generation with regime clustering" on the conference ICCSIT 2023 in Paris