This program read information from given file and create the icon. It's possible to set how many bytes to read from file and update interval.
This program is gtk+ and ImageMagic based.
file2mon -i -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input -e C -t cputemp -u 3 -l 2 -c white -s 22
- -e C: Ending string append after text.
- -t cputemp: Icon description.
- -u 3: Update interval.
- -l 2: Number of bytes to read.
- -c white: Font color.
- -s 22: Font size.
file2mon -i -f /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity -e % -t battery -u 5 -l 2 -c yellow -s 22
- -e %: Ending string append after text.
- -t battery: How many bytes to read.
- -u 3: Update interval.
- -l 2: Number of bytes to read.
- -c yellow: Font color.
- -s 22: Font size.
- -i: Show info.
file2mon -i -f /proc/loadavg -o 5 -l 4 -u 5 -c yellow -s 18
- -o 5: Offset in the file.
- -l 4: How many bytes to read.
- -u 5: Update interval.