
a c program containing vulnerable code for common types of vulnerabilities, can be used to show fuzzing concepts.

Primary LanguageC

What it is?

This is a simple C program, i coded to explain common types of vulnerabilities like:

  1. integer overflow
  2. integer underflow
  3. Out of bound Read
  4. Out of bound Write
  5. Double Free
  6. Use After Free
  7. Memory leaks

This C program contains vulenrable code of all of the above vulnerabilities and then users can fuzz it using AFL or hongfuzz or anything else they want.

**How to Compile **

just type "make" on the command prompt. Makefile is included with it.

How to generate input for AFL?

just create a sample input file as following and rest AFL will take care:

echo "IMG" >input/1.txt

AFL will automatically generate new test cases and discover most of the vulnerabilities mentioned above. thats the beauty of AFL :)

How to fuzz it using AFL?

1. First compile this program using following command:

afl-gcc -g -fsanitize=address imgRead.c -o imgread

2. run this command:

afl-fuzz -i input -o output -m none -- ./imgRead @@

How to fuzz it using honggfuzz

1. First compile this program using following command:

hfuzz-gcc -g -fsanitize=address imgRead.c -o imgread

2. run this command:

hongfuzz -i input -- ./imgread ___FILE___

How to fuzz using libfuzzer

You need to modify the C code, you can get the updated code from here: https://github.com/hardik05/Damn_Vulnerable_C_Program/blob/master/imgRead_libfuzzer.c

1. Compile the program using following command:

clang -fsanitize=fuzzer,address,undefined -g imgRead_libfuzzer.c -o imgRead_libfuzzer

**2. run this command to fuzz:


you can see the video tutorials here:

Complete Fuzzing Playlist:


individual videos below:


[Fuzzing with AFL] How to install AFL on Ubuntu-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7ucv2kN4j4

[Fuzzing with AFL] Fuzzing a simple C program with AFL -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiGC1jxFx78&t=66s

[Fuzzing with AFL] Finding different types of vulnerabilities with AFL -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1RkShHzx_8&t=151s

[Fuzzing with AFL] Triaging crashes with crashwalk and finding root cause with GDB -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R2gPkCXZkM

[Fuzzing with honggfuzz] Fuzzing a simple C program with HongFuzz -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OBXJtEe-d8

[Fuzzing with honggfuzz] Hongfuzz,checksec(pwntools),ASAN -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr8pLQRTHac

[Fuzzing with libfuzzer] How to fuzz a simple C program using LibFuzzer -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFva8kJQwnc&list=PLHGgqcJIME5m7HaHfACayoyN0TRe2PHRp

[Fuzzing with libfuzzer,AFL] How to fuzz libfuzzer harness program using AFL -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEqm3TrfwM&list=PLHGgqcJIME5m7HaHfACayoyN0TRe2PHRp&index=2


[Fuzzing with WinAFL] Fuzzing a simple C program with WinAFL -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va_Wtxf3DMc

[Fuzzing with WinAFL] What is a fuzzing function, how to make sure everything is working fine? -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLORLsNnPzo

more will be uploaded as i create them.

Why you created this?

It takes lot of time for new comers and even experianced people to understand different types of vulnerabilities. i have faced this problem myself and decided to share what i learned.

If you learn something from it, send me a thnak you note. thats all i need.


Twitter: https://twitter.com/hardik05

Email: DM me on twitter :)

web: http://hardik05.wordpress.com

my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrHardik05/featured?view_as=subscriber


suggestions and comments are always welcomed. if you find any issue or have a fix or a new feature send pull request.