- 0
node-ts usage
#67 opened by nikeee - 0
Create tabs for the editors
#65 opened by kirjs - 7
- 3
Advanced vertical resizing
#51 opened by kirjs - 7
Cannot start / build codelab
#61 opened by prestonvanloon - 0
Loading stuff asynchronously using the CLI
#64 opened by filipesilva - 2
Create a playground for slides.
#60 opened by kirjs - 1
Good and easy way to create new exercises.
#58 opened by kirjs - 0
Inlining learning materials
#57 opened by kirjs - 0
Next steps
#56 opened by kirjs - 1
[note for myself]: report app-root error
#32 opened by kirjs - 10
Make the editor resizable horizontally.
#19 opened by kirjs - 1
Add loop protection
#44 opened by kirjs - 0
- 1
re-run the code on control enter
#43 opened by kirjs - 6
Translate codelab into Spanish
#52 opened by olemis - 2
- 0
Figure out why source maps don't work
#45 opened by kirjs - 13
Allow the users to disable autorun
#21 opened by kirjs - 0
Found a bug
#40 opened by samantehrani - 0
Test Issue2
#39 opened by samantehrani - 0
Test Issue
#38 opened by samantehrani - 0
Test Issue
#36 opened by samantehrani - 0
Test Issue
#37 opened by samantehrani - 0
- 0
Use progressive compilation
#34 opened by kirjs - 0
Migrate to redux or ngrx/store
#33 opened by kirjs - 0
beforeEach block fails silently
#31 opened by kirjs - 3
Come up with a better cat data
#22 opened by kirjs - 2
Import the feedback as github issues
#25 opened by kirjs - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Introduce some file structure.
#24 opened by kirjs - 0
Consider not explaining modules and dependencies in the angular2 course, because angular CLI takes care of it.
#17 opened by kirjs - 0
- 0
1-bootstrap/0-component exercise should have 2 separate tests: one for creating the class and other for exporting
#4 opened by kirjs