
Trending API using Forgetsy-js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The beginning of a trending API using forgetsy-js library. This is not production ready and a first iteration at creating an API to track temporal trends in a non-stationary, categorial distribtion.

API Actions

	<td>Increments a bin</td>

	<td>Fetches a distribution or specific bin in a distribtion</td>
Action Description
Create Creates a new distribtion

Create Options

	<td>Each distribtion should be of a specific type; video or article, for example.</td>
Options Description
categories Create one or more distribution (/create?categories=cat1,cat2,...)

Distribtuions are buckets to trend items in. Let's say you run a video
streaming service. A video may be classified as action-comedy or
action-drama, etc.

You could create two distribtuions:
When someone watch a video that is action-comedy, you can increment the bin
for that item (/incr?categories=action,drama&type=video&bin=item_id) where
item id uniquely identifies the video being viewed.