Given this code:

function Person(name, email, phone) { = name; = email; = phone; }

Person.prototype.greet = function(other) { console.log('Hello ' + + ', I am ' + + '!'); }; Write code to

Instantiate an instance object of Person with name of 'Sonny', email of '', and phone of '483-485-4948', store it in the variable sonny. Instantiate another person with the name of 'Jordan', email of '', and phone of '495-586-3456', store it in the variable 'jordan'. Have sonny greet jordan using the greet method. Have jordan greet sonny using the greet method. Write a print statement to print the contact info (email and phone) of Sonny. Write another print statement to print the contact info of Jordan. TDD portion

You will implement the rest of these exercises using Test-Driven Development.

Card Constructor

Create a constructor Card. A card object will have 2 properties:

point - the point value of the card: a number between 1 and 13. suit - the suit of the card: one of diamonds, clubs, hearts and spades. A card will be created thus:

var myCard = new Card(5, 'diamonds') And you can access the individual properties like:

myCard.point 5 myCard.suit 'diamonds' getImageUrl()

Add a getImageUrl method to card objects by adding it as a property to Card.prototype. The method should return the URL path to the png image file for the card.

myCard.getImageUrl() 'images/5_of_diamonds.png' Hand constructor

A hand is simply represented as a collection of cards, but it would also be convenient for a hand to be able to return it's point value. We would like to be able to do this with a Hand constructor:

var myHand = new Hand() myHand.addCard(new Card(5, 'diamonds')) myHand.addCard(new Card(13, 'spades')) myHand.getPoints() 15 Implement a Hand constructor that will allow the code above to work. Hint: you will want to store as a property of a hand object - an array of card objects.

Deck constructor

A deck is also represented as a collection of cards, but it would also be convenient for it to be able to shuffle itself, and be asked to draw a card. We would like to be able to do this with a Deck constructor:

var myDeck = new Deck() myDeck.draw() Card {point: 6, suit: "clubs"} myDeck.draw() Card {point: 1, suit: "spades"} myDeck.shuffle() myDeck.numCardsLeft() 50 Implement a Deck constructor that will allow for the above code to work.