create a visually stimulating memory game (based on MarioKart 8) in angularJS with three difficulty settings.
Kirk Abbott
- what the page looks like upon loading
- easy mode game in progress
- the card constructor has three properties:
- url => will be used as the value for image src
- open => will be a boolean value of either true or false (if true, the card's front side will be shown, else the card's back image will be shown)
- matched => will be a boolean value of true or false (if true, this card will have already found its match, else, it's false)
// create a Card Constructor
function Card(url, open, matched) {
this.url = url; = open;
this.matched = matched;
the deck constructor has five properties:
- currentCards => set up initially as an empty array. Once the game is in play mode, it will store cards that are still available (cards that haven't found a pair)
- generateCards => a method that takes 1 argument (amount of cards in the deck) and generates an array of cards of that size
- moves => set up initially as 0; when the game is in play mode, each time the player selects 2 cards as a possible match, we add 1 to moves
- matches => set up initially as 0; whenever the player chooses 2 cards that are a match, we add 1 to matches
- won => initially set up false; when all the possible matches have been found, then this value turns true and the game is no longer in play mode
// create a Deck Constructor
function Deck() {
this.currentCards = [];
this.moves = 0;
this.matches = 0;
this.won = false;
- below shows the deck's method for generating cards
// create a Deck method that generates cards
// you pass numCards (the amount of cards in the deck)
Deck.prototype.generateCards = function(numCards) {
var cards = [];
this.currentCards = [];
this.moves = 0;
this.matches = 0;
this.won = false;
// here we have a nested for loop inside another for loop
// the outer for loop runs twice, meaning that the nest array will happen twice
for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
// the nested for loop runs through half the number of cards => numCards / 2
for (var i = 1; i <= (numCards / 2); i++) {
// url is the image src => this value is dynamic because the value of i changes
var url = "assets/pokemon" + i + ".png"
// we create a new instance of Card and add it to our array 'cards'
cards.push(new Card(url, false, false));
// when the for loops have finished running, the card array contains an array of cards that each have a match
// for instance, if numCards = 8, then afterward each card gets a match, meaning there are 16 cards total now in the cards array
// save the length of the cards array
var length = cards.length;
// the section below randomizes the cards and how they will be spread out on board
// check while the currentCards length is not the same as the original cards length
while (this.currentCards.length != length) {
// find the random index
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
// push a random card onto current cards array
// delete the card we just added to current cards from card array
cards.splice(randomIndex, 1);