
tiny todo list inspired by todo-cli (http://todotxt.com/)

Primary LanguagePHP


Tiny todo app inspired by Gina Trapani's todo-cli, but in php. Also the class behind can be used in other usages if you like. The cli app also has a bunch of different ways of using it if you prefere it.

As for now it requires the php-colors class but im working on removing this dependency.

Also the options hasnt been implemented yet. Please use the examples for reference.

Help page

Usage: todo [option] [id] [todo] [priority]
    ?, -h, --help                Displays this help page
    "todo", -t, --todo           Add todo item
    "priority", -p, --priority   Displaying items with priority or
                                 add item with priority
    d, -d, --delete              Delete an item

    Lists all todos with with ids and priority
    $ todo
    List all todos with priority 42
    $ todo 42
    Creates a todo with the text "Buy milk" and sets priority to 42.
    the priority is optional.
    $ todo Buy milk 42
    Change item 1's priority to 21.
    $ todo 1 21
    Deletes item 1.
    $ todo d 1