Zombie Spread


An HTML5 zombie game.


HouseOGames 4

Originally created during the HouseOGames (4th Edition) hack meet-up at Reactor in Seattle, WA in March 2013.

The game was branched from Seth Vincent's hogjam4 repo. You can read more about our hogjam4 team's game and the event on this hogjam4 blog post - The Baby game.

Original team of HOGJam 4 - The Baby game


Zombies, bam!

The Team

Set up

npm install

Run Application

npm start

Deploy to GitHub

npm run deploy

This command updates the javascript bundle, commits it, and pushes the update to gh-pages.

You can also update the javascript bundle on its own using this:

npm run bundle

Application Structure




  • Initialize the page by getting all todos
  • Loop over the todos
  • Have a form to create todos
  • Delete todos when they are checked