Overview: QRBA (Qumulo Role Base Adminstration) is a web-based user interface which allows system administrators to create and remove NFS exports on a Qumulo storage system without requiring the Administrator's (user admin) login credentials. See the attached overview.pdf file for a 'high-level' view of how QRBA interacts with an organization's infractruture. Software Dependencies: Python 2.7 django 1.11 qumulo API (see README in directory qumulo) Contact: QRBA Open Source support at qrba_os.gsd@noaa.gov List of Files: LICENSE -- license file README -- this file apache -- files needed to setup the app within apache make_class_banners.py -- creates ASCII art text used to separate class declarations manage.py -- provided by django overview.pdf -- a 'high-level' overview of how QRBA works provision -- main QRBA application name qrba -- django project directory qumulo -- qumulo API code (obtained from qumulo API) sysads.txt -- use to setup accounts (using django User model) for system adminstrators Files in provision: admin.py -- modifies the GUI apps.py -- list of apps management -- django mid-level directory migrations -- django mid-level directory models.py -- class definitions signals.py -- required to register for post_save signals static -- static content templates tests.py urls.py views.py Files in provision/management/commands: (assorted command files -- some are 'one off' for learning/testing/database-repairing) Organization_checkHosts.py add_nfsexports_from_file.py add_users_from_file.py checkDNS_dcs.py checkHostip.py checkHostname.py checkIpzones.py check_all_dev_quotas.py check_all_host_organizations.py check_hosts_by_org.py check_int_vs_dev_mounts.py check_prod_vs_dev_mounts.py check_prod_vs_int_mounts.py check_qrba.py checkipzmarkers.py clean_agg_stats.py clean_all_stats.py clean_system.py fetch_clusterpaths.py fetch_nfs_shares.py getRestriction_get_adzones.py getWinDC_adzones.py getWinDC_groups.py getWinDC_orgs.py get_cluster_creds.py get_cluster_slot_status.py get_current_activity.py get_current_connections.py get_private_WinDC_hosts.py initialize_activity_stats.py initialize_dev_system.py initialize_int_system.py initialize_prod_system.py load_activitytypes.py load_cluster_time_series_types.py load_days_in_dataset.py load_host_activity_test_data.py load_host_activity_test_randomdata.py load_newWinDC_adzones.py load_newWinDC_hosts.py load_newWinDC_orgs.py load_new_dmz_WinDC_hosts.py remove_all_dev_cluster_items.py remove_all_int_cluster_items.py set_clusterpath_updater.py set_ipzone_hostnames.py set_nfsexport_updater.py setup_dev_dmz_network.py show_current_users.py show_dev_dmz_network.py show_sessions.py sync_clusterpaths_from_cluster.py -- superceeded by source_to_destination versions sync_clusterpaths_from_dev_to_dev.py sync_clusterpaths_from_dev_to_int.py sync_clusterpaths_from_int_to_dev.py sync_clusterpaths_from_int_to_int.py sync_clusterpaths_from_prod_to_dev.py --- used to pull the current state from a 'production' cluster back into development sync_clusterpaths_from_prod_to_int.py --- pulls from production to integration sync_clusterpaths_from_prod_to_prod.py --- called by cron to check quota usages sync_clusterpaths_to_cluster.py sync_ips_in_adzones.py sync_nfsexports_from_cluster.py sync_nfsexports_from_dev_to_dev.py sync_nfsexports_from_dev_to_int.py sync_nfsexports_from_int_to_dev.py sync_nfsexports_from_int_to_int.py sync_nfsexports_from_prod_to_dev.py sync_nfsexports_from_prod_to_int.py sync_nfsexports_from_prod_to_prod.py sync_nfsexports_to_cluster.py test_find_ipzone_from_iplist.py try_email.py update_activity_stats.py update_all_running_activity_stats.py update_ipzmarker.py update_whole_populations.py Files in qrba: context_processors.py local_settings.py settings.ini settings.py urls.py wsgi.py Files in apache: seversetup.txt How to Use: After the Software Dependencies have been satisfied, edit these configuration files if needed: qumulo/setting.py ALLOWED_HOSTS DATABASES Any line containing 'qrbaadmin' most settings starting with and after QUMULO_BASE_PATH (any line with or 'tld') /qumuloadmin/qrba_admin/config/ADcred (legacy location -- these probably could be moved into settings.ini file) qrba/settings.ini sysads.txt Set domains in init and scripts: get_private_WinDC_hosts.py: dcs = WinDC.objects.get_queryset().filter(name='centrifyX.privatedomain.org.tld') initialize_dev_system.py: domains = ["d1.org.tld", "d2.org.tld", "org.private"] initialize_int_system.py: domain = "domain.org.tld" initialize_prod_system.py: domain = "domain.org.tld" load_newWinDC_hosts.py: dcs = WinDC.objects.get_queryset().filter(name='centrifyX.private.org.tld') load_new_dmz_WinDC_hosts.py: dcs = WinDC.objects.get_queryset().filter(name='centrifyX.private.org.tld') The general setup sequence (for development system) is: manage.py makemigrations provision manage.py migrate manage.py createsuperuser manage.py add_users_from_file sysads.txt manage.py initilize_dev_system # these assume that a production cluster already exists and you want its state captured manage.py sync_clusterpaths_from_prod_to_dev manage.py sync_nfsexports_from_prod_to_dev # commands specifically to setup production: # ./manage.py initilize_prod_system # ./manage.py sync_clusterpaths_from_prod_to_prod # ./manage.py sync_nfsexpors_from_prod_to_prod To get qrba exposed as a web service see apache/serversetup.txt To do: Most functionality involving Activity objects has been implimented, but not fully tested. Report objects were never fully implimented... no full specs ever provided Documentation update Contact QRBA Open Source support at qrba_os.gsd@noaa.gov if needed. Good luck!
QRBA (Qumulo Role Based Administration) allows system administrators to create and remove NFS exports on a Qumulo storage system.