To Do:

  • Restrict to sudo only
  • Custom config for cached results


  • Varnish server
  • Nginx server
  • PHP-FPM server
  • MariaDB server
  • FTP server server
  • Wordpress initial
  • Links between services
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Custom FTP user

Requirements note:

Host should be using Centos 7.

Package python-passlib should be present on the host running ansible-playbook.

For phpmyadmin download, I've issued a git command instead of the classic "get zip, unzip" method that I've used for Wordpress. This git method requries git version 1.9.1+ to use the "depth=1" option, this skips .git entire history to be downloaded i.e. use your disk space, if your git version is lower, then it will not fail (as it has a fallback method), but instead extra disk space will be used.

Your PC hosts file alteration for both WP and phpmyadmin URL should look like (if your server IP is

Temp usage pre-vagrant setup:

ansible-playbook site.yml

You can add -v at the end of it for a more detailed output.

Edit "hosts" entry in file site.yml from

- hosts: test


- hosts: your_host