
Primary LanguagePython

This repository consists of code for a Vendor Management System, written in Django.

Setting-up the Project

Python: v3.11 or above is required, please install from here

Cloning the Repository

git clone https://github.com/kirmola/vms-fatmug.git
cd vms-fatmug

Installing Poetry

First, install Poetry using its official installer. Follow the instructions at https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installing-with-the-official-installer.

Installing Dependencies

poetry install

Running the Project Locally

poetry run python manage.py runserver

After running these commands, your Django project should be running locally at http://localhost:8000/.

Admin Credentials

Create a superuser with following command:

python manage.py createsuperuser

Following the prompts to create a sample username and password of your choice

API Documentation

  • API Routes will NOT be accessible until obtained a API Token from admin panel. Login to admin panel from here and create a token for logged in user.

  • Once token is created, pass that token in the requests to API.

For example, if you are trying to list all vendors:

curl -H "Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b" http://localhost:8000/api/vendors/

Be sure to replace the token above with your token

  1. Following are the API endpoints to interact with vendor model:
  • API Endpoints:
    • GET /api/vendors/: List all vendors.
    • GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Retrieve a specific vendor's details.
    • PUT /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Update a vendor's details.
    • POST /api/vendors/: Create a new vendor.
    • DELETE /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Delete a vendor.
  1. Following are the routes to interact with Purchase Orders:
  • API Endpoints:
    • GET /api/purchase_orders/: List all purchase orders with an option to filter by vendor.
    • GET /api/purchase_orders/{purchase_order_id}/: Retrieve details of a specific purchase order.
    • POST /api/purchase_orders/: Create a purchase order.
    • PUT /api/purchase_orders/{purchase_order_id}/: Update a purchase order.
    • DELETE /api/purchase_orders/{purchase_order_id}/: Delete a purchase order.
  1. Following are the routes to evaluate a vendor's performance and acknowledging a purchase order, which further triggers recalculation of average response time:
  • API Endpoints:
    • GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/performance/: Retrieve a vendor's performance metrics.
    • POST /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/acknowledge/:

Test suite

Tests can be run with the following command:

python manage.py test 

This will run all types of test defined in testcases so we do not need to run them separately