
Configurable alerts for Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageClojure

ATown Data

Towncrier is a simple, configurable alerter for Elasticsearch. It periodically polls Elasticsearch to evaluate alert conditions and sends out email notifications if any are met.

Supported Platforms

Towncrier supports Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 16.04+. CentOS and RedHat 7+ support is coming soon.


  • Elasticsearch v5.0+ - the instance (or instances) of Elasticsearch to alert on
  • Java v1.8+
  • SMTP account -- needed to send out email notifications


Ensure the right version of Java is installed:

java -version

If you receive a java command not found response, or the version is older than 1.8, consult this walkthrough on how to install and use a recent version of Java.

Download and Verify the Debian Package

Download the package and its MD5 file

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/towncrier/towncrier_0.0.1_all.deb
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/towncrier/towncrier_0.0.1_all.deb.md5

Verify the package with the MD5 file

md5sum -c towncrier_0.0.1_all.deb.md5

The above command should output the name of the deb package file along with "OK". If it does not, delete and re-download the files.

Next, use dpkg to install the Debian package

sudo dpkg -i towncrier_0.0.1_all.deb

When the above command finishes, Towncrier will be installed and running on your system. Check its status:

sudo service towncrier status


Let's configure Towncrier to point at our instance(s) of Elasticsearch and alert us when we want. Open /etc/towncrier/towncrier.yml. It will contain the following:

    - host:
      port: 9200
      protocol: http
  - indexPattern: "trawler-*"
    name: "example1 service stopped"
    threshold: 1
    window: 60
    poll: 10
    limit: upper
      search: "stop"
      service: "example1"
  - type: console
  - type: email
      host: "smtp.example.com"
      port: 465
      user: example@bigcorp.com
      ssl: true
    from: example@example.com
      - mary@example.com
      - john@example.com

Update Elasticsearch

Update the Elasticsearch configuration with the correct host address (under elasticsearch.hosts[n].host), port (elasticsearch.hosts[n].port) and protocol (elasticsearch.hosts[n].protocol). You can monitor multiple instances -- for example:

    - host:
      port: 9200
      protocol: http
    - host:
      port: 9200
      protocol: http

Add an Alert Condition

For each alert condition, we need to specify

  • indexPattern - specify the Elasticsearch index with the data to alert on (ex. logstash-*)
  • name - the name of the alert
  • query.search - the text to search the Elasticsearch index for
  • threshold - how many times the query.search should be found before an alert is triggered
  • window - the number of seconds over which the threshold applies (ex. if set to 60, with a threshold of 3, an alert will be triggered if the query.search is found in incoming data 3 times in a minute)
  • poll - how often, in seconds, Towncrier should check Elasticsearch

So, if we want to get an alert if the search query "error" occurs more than 2 times in a minute:

  - indexPattern: "example-*"
    name: "Errors occurred"
    threshold: 2
    window: 60
    poll: 10
    limit: upper
      search: "stop"

Setup Email Notifications

To get email notifications, update the settings under the outputs -> type:email:

  • smtp - add your SMTP server's host address and port, along with your authentication information.
  • from - the email address that should appear in the "from" field of the email notification
  • to - the list of email addresses to send notifcations to

Reload trawler-connector

Finally, let's reload trawler-connector to apply our new configuration.

sudo service trawler-connector reload


If you encounter issues with getting Towncrier running, please check /var/log/towncrier/towncrier.log. All errors and warning will be outputted there.

Contacting Us / Contributions

Please use the Github Issues page for questions, ideas and bug reports. Pull requests are welcome.

Trawler was built by the consulting team at ATown Data. Please contact us if you have a project you'd like to talk to us about!


Distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Copyright © 2017 ATown Data