
This is the Electron browser provider plugin for TestCafe. https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

This plugin allows you to test Electron applications with TestCafe.


npm install testcafe-browser-provider-electron


First, create a .testcafe-electron-rc file in the root directory of your Electron app. For more info, see the Configuration section.

  "mainWindowUrl": "./index.html"

When you run tests from the command line, specify the path to the application root directory prefixed with "electron:" :

testcafe "electron:/home/user/electron-app" "path/to/test/file.js"

When you use API, pass the application path with the "electron:" prefix to the browsers() method:



You can specify the following options in the .testcafe-electron-rc configuration file.


Required. Specifies the URL of the application's main window page. For local application pages, you can also specify a relative (to the application directory) or an absolute path to the file of the page.


Optional. Alters path to the application, which, by default, must be located at the default Electron app directory. You can use the appPath option to override the default path by specifying a new absolute path. Alternatively, you can append a relative path to the path specified after the "electron:" prefix.


Optional. Overrides application command line arguments with the values specified in this option. It should be an array or an object with numeric keys.


Optional. Specifies a path to the electron binary. If electronPath is not specified, the electron package should be installed. On macOS, it can be either a path to the electron binary, or a path to the entire Electron.app (e.g. /Applications/Electron.app).


Optional. testcafe-browser-provider-electron suppresses did-navigate and will-navigate webContent events because you will be unable to run tests if these events are used to prevent navigation. You can enable them back by setting this option to true.


Optional. If true, DevTools will be opened just before tests start.


You can use helper functions from the provider in your test files. Use ES6 import statement to access them.

import { getMainMenu, clickOnMenuItem } from 'testcafe-browser-provider-electron';


Gets a snapshot of the specified menu item.

async function getMenuItem (menuItemSelector)
Parameter Type Description
menuItemSelector String Consists of the menu type and menu item labels, separated by the > sign.

For example, you can pass the following values in the menuItemSelector parameter.

  • Main Menu > File > Open
  • Context Menu > Undo

The Main Menu menu type can be skipped.

If there are several menu items with the same label on the same level, you can specify a one-based index in square brackets:

  • Main Menu > Window > My Window [2]

This value corresponds to the second menu item with label My Window in the Window menu.

Check the properties available in the snapshot here.


Gets a snapshot of the application main menu.

async function getMainMenu ()

You can check properties available in the snapshot here.


Gets a snapshot of the context menu.

async function getContextMenu ()

You can check properties available in the snapshot here,


Performs a click on the specified menuItem.

async function clickOnMenuItem (menuItem, modifiers)
Parameter Type Description
menuItem String | Object The menu item to click.
modifiers Object Control keys held when clicking the menu item.

If you specify a string in the menuItem parameter, it will be passed to the getMenuItem function and the returned value will be used. Alternatively, you can pass a value returned by the getMenuItem, getMainMenu or getContextMenu function.

Use the modifiers parameter to specify state of the control keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Meta). The default value is

    shift: false,
    ctrl: false,
    alt: false,
    meta: false


clickOnMenuItem('Main Menu > File > Open')
clickOnMenuItem('File > Open')
clickOnMenuItem((await getMainMenu()).items[0].submenu.items[0])


Sets a function that will handle native Electron dialogs.

async function setElectronDialogHandler (handler, dependencies)
Parameter Type Description
handler Function A function that will handle Electron dialogs.
dependencies Object Variables passed to the handler function's scope as global variables.

The handler function has the following signature.

function handler (type, ...args)

This function must be synchronous. It will be invoked with the dialog type type, and the arguments args from the original dialog function.


Developer Express Inc. (https://devexpress.com)