
Ruby script for exporting soundcloud likes list to csv or batch downloading likes as mp3

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby script that allows to export soundcloud likes to csv or download liked tracks as mp3


Install the following gems

gem install soundcloud
gem install whirly # shows progress in terminal

Run the script with one of the following commands:

# both csv and download likes as mp3
ruby soundcloud_likes_export.rb username

# only save likes to csv
ruby soundcloud_likes_export.rb username -csv

# only download all likes as mp3
ruby soundcloud_likes_export.rb username -dl

Files will be saved to the folder from which the script was started.

If CLIENT_ID key stops working, just replace it with a different one.

Some of the tracks might be missing probably due to some privacy setting of the user who uploaded them or api key restrictions. I noticed that some api keys allow access to certain songs and others return nil or empty data.