
Create preview deployments for pull requests with Laravel Forge.

Primary LanguagePHP

Forge Previewer

This CLI is designed to create "preview" environments for pull requests and branches using Laravel Forge.

It's intended for use inside of CI tools such as GitHub Actions to automatically create a site on Forge that is connected to your pull request branch, then once the pull request is merged the CLI can be used to cleanup too.


Before using this tool, please make sure you have the following:

  • A server connected to Forge
  • A wildcard subdomain DNS record pointing to your Forge server.
  • A Forge API token


Install this package with Composer:

composer global require ryangjchandler/forge-previewer


There are two commands in the command.

  • deploy - Creates and deploys a site.
  • destroy - Deletes and cleans up after a site.


The deploy command is used to do the following things:

  1. Create a site on Forge.
  2. Generate an SSL certificate for the new site.
  3. Create a database for the new site.
  4. Enable quick deploy so all changes appear on the preview site automatically.
  5. Update the environment variables to point to the database.
  6. Deploy your site once.
  7. Run any additional commands provided.
  8. Create a scheduled job if required.

The command accepts the following flags:

  Deploy a branch / pull request to Laravel Forge.

  deploy [options]

    --token[=TOKEN]                          The Forge API token.
    --server[=SERVER]                        The ID of the target server.
    --provider[=PROVIDER]                    The Git provider. [default: "github"]
    --repo[=REPO]                            The name of the repository being deployed.
    --branch[=BRANCH]                        The name of the branch being deployed.
    --domain[=DOMAIN]                        The domain you'd like to use for deployments.
    --php-version[=PHP-VERSION]              The version of PHP the site should use, e.g. php81, php80, ... [default: "php81"]
    --setup-command[=SETUP-COMMAND]          A command you would like to execute after configuring the git repo. (multiple values allowed)
    --command[=COMMAND]                      A command you would like to execute on the site, e.g. php artisan db:seed. (multiple values allowed)
    --edit-env[=EDIT-ENV]                    The colon-separated name and value that will be added/updated in the site's environment, e.g. "MY_API_KEY:my_api_key_value". (multiple values allowed)
    --deployment-script[=DEPLOYMENT-SCRIPT]  The deployment script to replace Forge's deployment script.
    --scheduler                              Setup a cronjob to run Laravel's scheduler.
    --isolate                                Enable site isolation.
    --ci                                     Add additional output for your CI provider.
    --no-quick-deploy                        Create your site without "Quick Deploy".
    --no-deploy                              Avoid deploying the site.
    --no-db                                  Avoid creating a database.
    --wildcard                               Create a site with wildcard subdomains.
    --route-53-key[=ROUTE-53-KEY]            AWS Route 53 key for wildcard subdomains SSL certificate.
    --route-53-secret[=ROUTE-53-SECRET]      AWS Route 53 secret for wildcard subdomains SSL certificate.
    --nginx-template[=NGINX-TEMPLATE-ID]     The nginx template ID to use on your Laravel Forge website.

Note: the deploy command can be run multiple times and will skip any steps that have already been run previously.

Environment overrides

To add or update environment values, the --edit-env option may be used.

forge-previewer deploy --edit-env=APP_URL:staging.example.com --edit-env=APP_ENV:staging

If found, values will be taken from a .env.staging file. The values set through --edit-env options will take precedence.

Example .env.staging file:



The destroy command simply reverses all of the things that the deploy command does. It checks for the existence of certain resources in Forge and removes them if they exist.

The command accepts the following flags:

  Destroy a previously created preview site.

  destroy [options]

    --token[=TOKEN]    The Forge API token.
    --server[=SERVER]  The ID of the target server.
    --repo[=REPO]      The name of the repository being deployed.
    --branch[=BRANCH]  The name of the branch being deployed.
    --domain[=DOMAIN]  The domain you'd like to use for deployments.

Since Forge Previewer is convention based, we will try to detect resources based on the names we generate for them.

Example Workflow

Feature Branch Deployments

name: Feature Branch Deployments

      - '**'      # matches every branch
      - '!main'   # excludes main

    name: Feature Branch Deployment
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Get branch name
      id: branch-name
      uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v6

    - name: Setup PHP
      uses: shivammathur/setup-php@master
        php-version: 8.1

    - name: Deploy
      run: ./devops/staging/forge-previewer deploy --token="${{ secrets.FORGE_API_TOKEN }}" --server="${{ secrets.FORGE_SERVER_ID }}" --repo=example/demo --branch=${GITHUB_REF##*/} --domain=example.com --php-version=php81 --no-db --edit-env="APP_URL:https://{domain}" --wildcard --route-53-key="${{ secrets.AWS_ROUTE_53_KEY }}" --route-53-secret="${{ secrets.AWS_ROUTE_53_SECRET }}"

Feature Branch Deployments Deletion

name: Feature Branch Deployment Deletion

      - '**'      # matches every branch
      - '!main'   # excludes main

    name: Feature Branch Deployment Deletion
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1

    - name: Setup PHP
      uses: shivammathur/setup-php@master
        php-version: 8.1

    - name: Deploy
      run: ./devops/staging/forge-previewer destroy --token="${{ secrets.FORGE_API_TOKEN }}" --server="${{ secrets.FORGE_SERVER_ID }}" --repo=example/demo --branch=${GITHUB_REF##*/} --domain=example.com