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Primary LanguageC


Obliv-C is an extension of C that executes a 2-party garbled circuit protocol. The main language addition is an obliv qualifier, applied to C types and constructs. Typing rules enforce that obliv types remain secret unless explicitly revealed. Code within oblivious functions and conditionals cannot modify public data, except within a qualified ~obliv block, which executes in the clear. These rules allow programmers to develop modular libraries and efficient functionalities.

Our recommendation: Obliv-C is a robust garbled circuit framework. We recommend it for general use, particularly to experts who wish to implement and optimize complex libraries such as ORAM. We note that Obliv-C has been used for multiple practical applications. Source code is on Github.

Docker setup

Create a Docker image. This will take a few minutes. You only have to do this once.

$ docker build -t obliv-c .

Spin up a Docker container from the image.

$ docker run -v${PWD}/test:root/test -it --rm obliv-c

Please note that any changes you make in the container are not persistent.


  • Obliv-C is an extension of C.
  • The oblivcc compiler first converts Obliv-C code to native C, then combines it with any supporting C code into a single executable.
  • Obliv-C code is contained in a file with the .oc extension, and supporting code can be either in the .oc file or in a .c file.

Circuits are generated on the fly (e.g. only in memory). This allows circuit sizes to depend on values not known during compilation.

Running examples

Navigate to the directory of the program you would like to run, where test is the name of the program. Our example is at /root/test.

$ cd test
$ make

This should produce an executable test. This is run separately on each server:

$ ./<binary> <port> <IP> <input file> 

We can ran local tests as follows:

$ ./test 1234 -- <inputFile1> & 
$ ./test 1234 localhost <inputFile2>

Modifying examples

Modifying examples is straightforward.

  • Oblivious keywords must be in the .oc file.
  • Rerun make to rebuild.