
This was an Individual Project. In this website I created the clone of Nordstrom which is a E-commerce websites for buying Clothing Products and Foot wearing Products.This is fully Responsive website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Clone of nordstrom.com

Deployed Link - https://nordstrom-mu.vercel.app/

What is Nordstrom?

Nordstrom which is a E-commerce websites for buying Clothing Products and Foot wearing Products.

Technology Stack Used

In this project i have used the following tech stack.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Redux

To make this clone we have used HTMl, CSS and JavaScript, ReactJS for front-end.

Libraries Used

All the images, icons, and links have taken from the original website (https://www.nordstrom.com/)

🚀 Features

  • whole website is fully Responsive.
  • Landing Page & Footer.
  • Login and Signup Page with React and Redux.
  • Product Details in brief manner.
  • Product Sorting Based on Price.
  • Add Item to Cart

Snapshots of My Project 📸

Landing Page


This is the landing page of my website. You can see and choose all latest and trending top products from here.

SignUp Page


You can signup with my website from here .

Login Page


You can login to my website from here by entering required details.

Product Page


Here, you can choose a category of products whatever you want and you can sort product by price.

SingleProduct Page


Here, you can see all of your products which are added into cart.

Cart page


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/kirti2818/nordstrom-clone.git

Go to the project directory

  cd nordstrom-clone

Install dependencies

  npm install
 npm start

Deployed link

Vercel Link


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