
Task description. ruby script that:

  • a. Receives a log as argument (webserver.log is provided) e.g.: ./parser.rb webserver.log
  • b. Returns the following:

    list of webpages with most page views ordered from most pages views to less page views e.g.: /home 90 visits /index 80 visits etc... > list of webpages with most unique page views also ordered e.g.: /about/2 8 unique views /index 5 unique views etc...

Approach description

Ruby CLI App (UI) to call FileParser (BL) -> curresponding WeblogParser and File Validator. WeblogParser results counted in PageViewsQuery, returned to App as sorted Array of Struct objects (i.e. pages with overall pageviews)

CI label


How to install


How to run script

unsetopt nomatch for zsh ruby runnner.rb "filepath/to/webserver.log" f.e.

ruby runnner.rb "spec/fixtures/files/webserver.log"

How to run the test suite

rspec spec/integration/parser_app_spec.rb

Possible Improvements (ideas)

  • background job for async processing sets of files
  • batch separation for large files
  • introduce config class to get weblogs from different sources and environments
  • simple frontend
  • additional validations
  • additional tests
  • i18

Ruby version


Things to cover additionally later

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...