Audit and Compliance in Service Management using Blockchain

Final year project sponsored by BMC Software to demonstrate the use case of Blockchain in Service Management sector.

Prerequisites and setup:

Once you have completed the above setup, you will have provisioned a local network with the following docker container configuration:

  • 3 CAs
  • A SOLO orderer
  • 6 peers (2 peers per Org)


  • Crypto material has been generated using the cryptogen tool from Hyperledger Fabric and mounted to all peers, the orderering node and CA containers. More details regarding the cryptogen tool are available here.
  • An Orderer genesis block (genesis.block) and channel configuration transaction (mychannel.tx) has been pre generated using the configtxgen tool from Hyperledger Fabric and placed within the artifacts folder. More details regarding the configtxgen tool are available here.

Running the application

The app can be started using the following setup. The chaincode is written in golang.

Terminal Window 1
cd Audit_project


  • This launches the required network on your local machine
  • Installs the fabric-client and fabric-ca-client node modules
  • And, starts the node app on PORT 4000
Terminal Window 2
cd front_end


User Interface via Browser

After this, access the available functions for license and service management via localhost:5000/frontpage