
textlint integration with Flycheck

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

textlint integration with Flycheck

This repository used to host a Flycheck checker for textlint, originally written by Rob Stewart (A textlint flycheck checker in Emacs) and modified by me. After #1, flycheck-textlint-checker has been upstreamed, and this repository will only serve as a setup guide.


Install textlint:

npm install --global textlint

And then install some rules for textlint, for example:

npm install --global textlint-rule-max-comma

Now write a config file to (for example) ~/.config/textlint/textlintrc.json.

    "rules": {
        "max-comma": true

Then set flycheck-textlint-config to point to that file:

(setq flycheck-textlint-config "~/.config/textlint/textlintrc.json")

Start editing in a text-mode or markdown-mode buffer. Sentences with over 4 commas will be underlined because of the max-comma rule that we installed.


LaTeX support and textlint plugins

By default, textlint supports Markdown (.md) and text (.txt) files. To enable support for other formats, install a textlint plugin for the format, and add an entry to flycheck-textlint-plugin-alist:

npm install --global textlint-plugin-latex
(add-to-list 'flycheck-textlint-plugin-alist '(tex-mode . "latex"))

The car for each entry is matched with derived-mode-p, so the latex plugin is still used in latex-mode.