
This is the official code for paper: [PiVe: Prompting with Iterative Verification Improving Graph-based Generative Capability of LLMs]

Primary LanguagePython


This is the official code for the paper: PiVe: Prompting with Iterative Verification Improving Graph-based Generative Capability of LLMs.

Files Introduction

  1. GenWiki-HIQ is the created dataset using verifier module, which contains 110K parallel graph-text pairs.
  2. data_processing_script contains data_process.ipynb to create the training data for the verifier module and test data for each iteration.
  3. datasets contains the used kelm-sub and webnlg+2020 datasets. pive_verifier_training_data.zip contains the generated verifier training data for single verifier module and unified verifier module, which can be directly used to train the verifier modules.
  4. graph_evaluation contains the graph evaluation metrics.
  5. prompt_scriptscontains the sctipts to prompt LLMs.
  6. single_verifier contains the training sctipt for single verifier using T5-Large.
  7. unified_verifier contains the training sctipt for unified verifier using insturction-tuning on Flan-T5-XXL.

Clarification and Guidance

For the file "data/only_one_error_webnlg/train.source" which is the training data for the verifier module, you need to use the first section of our provided data_process.ipynb to manually generate. We also upload the generated verifier training data in pive_verifier_training_data.zip for your convenience.

For the file "GPT3.5_result_KELM/test.target" in run_chatgpt.py, it is the same as the file which path is datasets/kelm_sub/test.target. You can just copy it to a folder like GPT3.5_result_KELM or use your own folder name, and put the corresponding file path in run_chatgpt.py. Then you can run the run_chatgpt.py to prompt LLMs for graph generation. After getting the results from LLMs, you need to use our data_process.ipynb to create the input for the single/unified verifier module from the generated graph. Then you can feed the input to the trained verifier module to predict the missing triple. For subsequent iterations, remember to set iteration1 = False in the run_chatgpt.py when prompting the LLMs.


      title={PiVe: Prompting with Iterative Verification Improving Graph-based Generative Capability of LLMs}, 
      author={Jiuzhou Han and Nigel Collier and Wray Buntine and Ehsan Shareghi},