The full-stack splitwise application base on React+NodeJS+SQL for CMPE 273.
run "npm install" in both frontend and backend for installing
-run npm install bcrypt might by needed
run "npm start" in both frontend and backend for running
sign up as a user, then login
create a group with other users
add expense with the users in the group
pay off bill
able to see all the activities
Add 10 users. Add the relevant profile data for them including the image. Create an account for user “Logan Griffo” Login to Logan’s account. Update his profile, update basic details, add a picture to his profile. Create three groups - Rent, Grocery, Trip. Add four members to each group. Create an account for user “Michael”. Demo steps for video ( Start video recording from here)
Login to Michael’s account. Add a profile picture and other details. Create a group “Farewell party”. Add Logan and 2 more users created above to the group. Logout from Michael’s account and login to Logan’s account. Accept the group join invitation on My Groups Page. Search for the group Rent in Logan’s account. Repeat the group join invitation for the other two users also. Go to Michael’s account on a different (or incognito) browser, add an expense of $25 for “Food Arrangements” to the group “Farewell party”. Go to the dashboard page and showcase the summary. From Logan’s account, add $43 for “Gifts” to the group “Farewell party”. Check the dashboard page for Logan. Update the above expense of $43 to $54 from Logan’s account. (Not to be implemented) Try exiting the group “Farewell party”. Clear the dues Logan is owed. Show the recent activity for both Logan and Michael’s accounts. Clear the dues for all the users from their respective login. After all the dues are cleared, exit Logan from the group “Farewell party”.