Code for the Off Policy Evaluation Information Borrowing Context Switching algorithm

We built this repository on Open Bandit Pipeline library to implement our DR-IC estimator and benchmark it with the other estimators. We worked with this commit-version of the Open Bandit Pipeline library.

Quick installation:

Create a virtual environment. For example

conda create -n ope python=3.7

In the virtual environment (do source activate ope), install this package:

cd zr-obp-code
python install

To execute one experiment with one seed:

python -m examples.multiclass.all_est_evaluate    --n_runs 500    --dataset_name letter  --eval_size 0.3    --base_model_for_behavior_policy logistic_regression    --base_model_for_evaluation_policy logistic_regression    --base_model_for_reg_model logistic_regression    --n_jobs -1    --save_logs True --stoc_reward True  --random_state 12345


  • $n_runs specifies the number of simulation runs in the experiment to estimate standard deviations of the performance of OPE estimators.
  • $dataset_name specifies the name of the multi-class classification dataset and should be one of the 10 UCI datasets.
  • $eval_size specifies the proportion of the dataset to calculate the ground truth.
  • $base_model_for_behavior_policy specifies the base ML model for defining behavior policy and should be one of "logistic_regression", "random_forest", or "lightgbm".
  • $base_model_for_evaluation_policy specifies the base ML model for defining evaluation policy and should be one of "logistic_regression", "random_forest", or "lightgbm".
  • $base_model_for_reg_model specifies the base ML model for defining regression model and should be one of "logistic_regression", "random_forest", or "lightgbm".
  • $n_jobs is the maximum number of concurrently running jobs.
  • save_logs is a flag to save the logs in the logs/dataset-name path.
  • stoc_reward is a flag that enables stochastic reward when True.
  • random_state is the seed value used for all randomness in the code (numpy.random, sklearn, etc).

Large scale experiment:

Use the bash script to execute more seeds by changing the dataset names and seeds if necessary.

For more details, please go through the provided by the OBP library.