- Dowload
from https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/kishan_sairam_students_iiit_ac_in/EQlMQlK6O3dFlVvXDAZOOoABuxeq2vMF2genAm9pu02Zyg?e=zBa1jx (If downloading cleaned.zip (35MB), then unzip it) - Place it in same folder as index.html
- Since
is being used to load data, we need to run server for it - Run
python3 -m http.server
in directory whereindex.html
is present and open the URL given to view webpage
The page may be irresponsive for first few seconds after opening. This is because of loading whole data of csv using d3, initially memory usage explodes. It comes to normal soon and page will work fine.