Bucky-management is a web application that shows test result executed by Bucky-core.
Getting Started
We prepare two docker-compose files to start up Bucky-managemnt.
- docker-compose.yml: Using DB container in docker-compose.yml
- docker-compose.without_db.yml: Using external DB
Set environment variables
Take care of following points when setting environment variables:
- You must set RAILS_ENV, because it doesn't have default value
- Use default value when starting by docker-compose.yml
export RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV} # e.g. production, development, test
# You don't need to export if you're going to use default value.
export BUCKY_DB_USERNAME=${BUCKY_DB_USERNAME} # default: root
export BUCKY_DB_PASSWORD=${BUCKY_DB_PASSWORD} # default: password
Build and start Bucky-management
# Use DB container
docker-compose up --build -d
# Use external DB
docker-compose -f docker-compose.without_db.yml up --build -d
Migration database and table
# Only at first time not created DB yet.
docker exec -it bm-app rails db:create
# Do this if new migration file is added.
docker exec -it bm-app rails db:migrate
Publish secret key base and set to environment variables
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(docker exec -it bm-app rake secret)
# Restart Bucky-management to reflect environment variables
docker-compose up --build -d