
Beaconstac SDK for Android devices

MIT LicenseMIT



Beaconstac SDK is an easy way to enable proximity marketing and location analytics through an iBeacon-compliant BLE network.


Please refer to the API documentation on the Beaconstac developer hub.

Integration with your existing project in Android Studio

  1. You can obtain the SDK from Gradle using -
compile 'com.mobstac.beaconstac:beaconstac_sdk:2.0.1'

Latest version

  1. Refresh all Gradle projects.

  2. Add uses-feature tag to app manifest:

     android:required="false" />
  3. Add the following permissions to app manifest:

     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
  4. Add the Beaconstac BLEService to your app manifest:

     <service android:name="com.mobstac.beaconstac.MSBLEService" android:enabled="true"/>        
  5. To get the Beaconstac instance, insert the developer token and organisation id and add a MSSyncListener:

    // Note that this will sync Beacons, Rules and Notifications implicitly but Tags and Places will not be synced.   
    Beaconstac bstacInstance = Beaconstac.getInstance(this, "Developer_token", organisation id , new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
             //Initialization successful.
         public void onFailure(MSException msException) {
            //Initialization failed.
  6. You can also sync them individually if required:

    // To sync Beacons
    bstacInstance.syncBeacons(new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
            //Beacons Synced
         public void onFailure(MSException e) {
            //Failed to sync Beacons
     // To sync Rules
     bstacInstance.syncRules(new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
            //Rules synced
         public void onFailure(MSException e) {
            //Failed to sync Rules
     // To sync Notifications
     bstacInstance.syncNotifications(new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
            //Notifications Synced
         public void onFailure(MSException e) {
            //Failed to sync Notifications
     // To sync Tags
     bstacInstance.syncTags(new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
            //Tags synced
         public void onFailure(MSException e) {
            //Failed to sync tags
     // To sync Places
     bstacInstance.syncPlaces(new MSSyncListener() {
         public void onSuccess() {
            //Places synced
         public void onFailure(MSException e) {
            //Failed to sync places
  7. To monitor beacon regions, configure the UUID and region_identifier.

     // set region parameters (UUID and unique region identifier)
     bstacInstance.setRegionParams("Enter your UUID here",
  8. Call startRangingBeacons on the Beaconstac instance after configuring the params as mentioned in the previous step. The method will need a MSErrorListener to handle error in ranging beacons.

     // start scanning beacons
     bstacInstance.startRangingBeacons(new MSErrorListener() {
         public void onError(MSException e) {
             //BLE not supoorted
  9. If you want to stop scanning for the beacons, call stopRangingBeacons on the Beaconstac instance. The method will need a MSErrorListener to handle error in stop ranging beacons.

    // stop scanning
    bstacInstance.stopRangingBeacons(new MSErrorListener() {
            public void onError(MSException e) {
                //BLE not supported
  10. You need to add a BeaconScannerCallbacks to get the events that are being triggered.

    // This is a listener to listen to events being triggered bstacInstance.setBeaconScannerCallbacks(new BeaconScannerCallbacks() { @Override public void onRangedBeacons(ArrayList arrayList) {

        public void onCampedBeacon(MSBeacon msBeacon) {
        public void onExitedBeacon(MSBeacon msBeacon) {
        public void onEnteredRegion(String s) {
        public void onExitedRegion(String s) {
        public void onRuleTriggered(String s, ArrayList<MSAction> arrayList) {

You can find more information and example usage in the BeaconstacExample app contained in the examples directory of this repo.