This is a Java-based theater booking management system that interacts with a PostgreSQL database. The system allows users to manage theater details, book and cancel seats, and retrieve information about theaters.
- Display all theater information
- Display information for a specific theater by ID
- Book seats in a theater
- Cancel booked seats in a theater
- Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher
- PostgreSQL database
- src/org/example/ Manages database connections.
- src/org/example/ Gives and shows datas about the movies that are being screened
- src/org/example/ Gives the booking seats and cancel seats functionalities.
- src/org/example/ This provides the functionalities of the pricing features for the tickets that are being purchased and cancelled.
- src/org/example/ Data Access Object (DAO) for managing theater data.
- src/org/example/ Main class with the user interface for interacting with the system.
The project uses a PostgreSQL database with the following schema:
create table theaters( theaterid serial primay key, theatername varchar(255) not null, theateraddress varchar(255) not null, theaternumber int not null, theatercapacity int not null, noofrows int not null, shows references show=showid );
create table movies( movieid serial primary key, moviename varchar(255), moviedescription varchar(255), movierating double not null );