
:flags: Best UI/UX Design Resources For Developer & Designer Ever :)

Awesome Design Awesome

Awesome Design focuses on collecting high quality resources and tools which can be used by UI/UX designers in daily work. Thanks to the community, the repo keeps being updated continuously from people around the world who provide amazing resources. Don't hesitate to open an issue or create pull request to share your intelligence.



  • 👍 Powerful, Popular
  • 🚀 Efficiency
  • 💰 Pricing
  • 💻 macOS only



  • Design Leaders
  • Comment resources, tools by symbols

Soul of Design ☀️

Design Leader 🎎

Coming soon...

Resources 📦

High Quality Photos 🗼

Color 🎨

Font 🀄

Icon/Logo 🎉

Tool 🔧

Prototype 📝

  • Marvel - Simple design, prototyping and collaboration.
  • InVision - The world's leading prototyping, collaboration & workflow platform.
  • Origami - Design Prototyping. 💻
  • Framer.js - Design tool for creating interactive designs, interfaces and animations.
  • Atomic - The prototyping tool designed for teams.
  • Pixate - Make your ideas a reality. 💻
  • Proto.io - Prototypes that feel real.
  • Justinmind - Prototype Faster, Communicate Better.
  • Principle - Animate Your Ideas, Design Better Apps 💻
  • Flinto - App prototyping tools for designers.
  • Axure - Design the right solution and align your team.
  • Form - Build and customize native prototypes directly on device.

Mockup 🐣

Style Guide/Branding :octocat:

Tutorial 🏫

Book 📚

Award 🏆

Conference/Festival 🍻

Podcast 📻

Social Network 👫👫

  • Dribbble - Show and tell for designers
  • Behance - Showcase and discover the latest work from top online portfolios by creative professionals across industries.
  • tumblr
  • Medium - A place to read, write, and interact with the stories that matter most to you.
  • Fribbble - Free PSD files and other free design resources by Dribbblers.
  • Muzli - Design Inspiration
  • DeviantArt - The largest online art gallery and community.



To the extent possible under law, Tony Chan has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.