
Data Boot camp Homework repository

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


My repo to house homework for the UCB Data Bootcamp.

Simplifying GitHub & GitLab

Change to your home directory

cd ~/

Simpliftying GitHub & GitLabfor GitHub and GitLab

mkdir GitHub
mkdir GitLab

Clone the GitLab (course materials) repo

cd GitLab
git clone https://ucb.bootcampcontent.com/UCB-Coding-Bootcamp/UCBER201805DATA2-Class-Repository-DATA.git

Navigate back up a directory

cd ..

Clone the GitHub (submit homework) repo

cd GitHub
git clone https://github.com/<username>/DataBootCampHW.git

How to get the latest files from GitLab (course materials)?

Navigate to the repo's folder

cd ~/GitLab/UCBER201805DATA2-Class-Repository-DATA

Will check to see if there are any new files you don't have or updates to files you already have

git pull 

From here you can check the changes, if any, and manually inspect those updated files.

How to submit my homework to GitHub?

After you have created a new homework file, manually copy it and paste it in the GitHub repo file created to hold your homework

Navigate to the repo's folder

cd ~/GitHub/<REPO-NAME>

Run a sync first, for good measure

git pull 

Then add the files you want to push to GitHub

NOTE: using ./* gives you every file (*) in the current (.)

directory (/)
git add ./*

Now commit the files to be added with a comment

git commit -m "Updating the repo with the latest files"

Now submit the files

git push 

Verify the files are there by checking GitHub web interface.