
Gemini Exchange API client in Python3.6

Primary LanguagePython

Crypto transact using Gemini Exchange API's (WS and REST)

💰 Python bindings for trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, & USD on the Gemini.com Exchange API.


  1. Download & install
  • Python3.6
  • Git clone and install Dependencies
git clone
cd gemini-api-client-py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Open https://exchange.gemini.com/settings/api and get an API key & secret
cp secrets_default.py secrets.py
nano secrets.py  # add key & secret here
  1. Start hacking! First with Sandbox API's (Test everything here first!!!)
python3.6 ./buyETHSandbox.py
  1. Then with Real Exchange API
nano settings.py                   # Confirm your API URL's
python3.6 ./buyETH.py        # Buy ETH


  • API Key Secrets: secrets.py
  • API URL: settings.py

API Documentation

import gemini_api as api
from symbols import Order, USD, BTC, ETH

Data Types


  • symbols.USD: US Dollar USD(1.25)
  • symbols.BTC: Bitcoin BTC(0.000001)
  • symbols.ETH: Ethereum ETH(0.0001)

All currency symbols are based on the base type symbols.Currency.

Order: All API functions that deal with order data like new_order or order_status return a raw json dict from Gemini with the schema below. It can be converted to a type-checked python object by using Order(order_json).

order_json = {
    "order_id": "44375901",
    "id": "44375901",
    "symbol": "btcusd",
    "exchange": "gemini",
    "avg_execution_price": "400.00",
    "side": "buy",
    "type": "exchange limit",
    "timestamp": "1494870642",
    "timestampms": 1494870642156,
    "is_live": False,
    "is_cancelled": False,
    "is_hidden": False,
    "was_forced": False,
    "executed_amount": "3",
    "remaining_amount": "0",
    "options": [],
    "price": "400.00",
    "original_amount": "3",
buy_order = Order(order_json)
order_id = buy_order.id       # values can be accessed as properties

REST API Functions

The Gemini REST API functions documentation can be found here:

api.ticker(symbol: str) -> dict:
Get the ticker price info for a given symbol, e.g.:

ticker_info = api.ticker('ethusd')
# {'bid': '914.00', 'ask': '914.44', 'volume': {'ETH': '94530.56656129', 'USD': '83955829.9730076926', 'timestamp': 1515014100000}, 'last': '915.39'}
last_price = USD(ticker_info['last'])

api.new_order(side: str, symbol: str, amt: Currency, price: Currency) -> dict:
Submit a new order to Gemini, e.g:

buy_order = Order(api.new_order('buy', 'ethusd', ETH(0.01), USD(965)))
sell_order = Order(api.new_order('sell', 'ethusd', ETH(0.01), USD(965)))

api.order_status(order_id: str) -> dict:
Get the updated order info json from Gemini for a given order_id, e.g.:

buy_order = Order(api.order_status('44375901'))

WebSocket API Functions

The Gemini WebSocket API functions documentation can be found here:

api.order_events(order_id: str) -> Generator[dict]:
Get a live-updating stream of order events via WebSocket e.g.:

for event in api.order_events('44375901'):


  • Add GDAX/Coinbase Exchange API bindings

Developer Info

This repo uses gemini-api PY lib courtesy crypto-trader https://github.com/pirate/crypto-trader and is built on Python 3.6 and uses MyPy for type checking.


I'm not responsible for any money you lose from this code. The code is MIT Licensed.